About “Conquering” Mountains

Are you really 'conquering' them? Most hiking friends likes to use the word after hikes or treks - local or international. I cringe everytime I see the word. I don't use that word but if you do, I have a question. In what ways have you conquered a mountain, did you bring a gun with … Continue reading About “Conquering” Mountains

3 Reasons Why I fell In Love with Mt. Tabayoc

My first love is Mt. Pulag and for those who have hiked the mountain you'll probably understand why. For those who have not, I urge you to go and find out. Of course, I can't assure you that you'll fall in love too but there's always that 1% chance you will. As we all know, … Continue reading 3 Reasons Why I fell In Love with Mt. Tabayoc

FAQ’s About Trekking Everest Base Camp

Here are several frequently asked questions to give you a quick information about one of the traditional routes in the Himalayas. 📌 Is there a direct flight from Manila to Kathmandu? None. Most used routes are via KL or Bangkok to Kathmandu if you are coming from the Philippines or via India if you are … Continue reading FAQ’s About Trekking Everest Base Camp

How Women Hikers Cope with “WOMEN STUFF” During Multi-day Hikes

A lot of non-hiking friends would often ask me how does women hikers maintain cleanliness or hygiene when doing multi-day hikes. So, here's the big reveal 😂, let's answer some FAQs: 📍 How do you bath? Well, we don't. Usually 😅 Remember when you were young and you didn't like to bath or d kaya … Continue reading How Women Hikers Cope with “WOMEN STUFF” During Multi-day Hikes

Tipid Tips to Trekking Everest Base Camp and Other Mountains Outside of the Philippines

Ang mahal! would obviously be the first thought that would come to mind when you come across international climbs or treks and truthfully, you indeed has to fork some money. Mountaineering/trekking/hiking is an expensive sport/hobby especially if you are targeting mountains outside the country like Everest base camp, Kilimanjaro, Fuji, Yushan, Rainbow mountain among others. … Continue reading Tipid Tips to Trekking Everest Base Camp and Other Mountains Outside of the Philippines

4 Days Hiking Itinerary to Two of Indonesia’s Popular Volcanoes for less than php5,000

Mounts Bromo and Ijen are two of Indonesia's beautiful mountains, the view on both are spectacular. Some even regard Mt. Ijen as one of the most dangerous volcanoes because of the sulfur vents, continues spewing of sulfur that one needs a mask. Here is a short itinerary for a 4 day hike of the two … Continue reading 4 Days Hiking Itinerary to Two of Indonesia’s Popular Volcanoes for less than php5,000

How I Experienced Mt. Kinabalu

I reached Mt. Kinabalu's Lowe's Peak at around quarter to 7am, meeting several of my (fast) team mates who were already going down. I looked at my watch thinking I need to make the cut-off time at Sayat-sayat for the Ferrata, so I have an hour to get down to km7 or known as checkpoint, … Continue reading How I Experienced Mt. Kinabalu

A Couple Hike and Travel, Together

Adventuring with a significant other has its ups and downs and I often advice couples I know to try travelling together or climbing a few mountains together before deciding the other person is the "One". Why? Because you'll learn more of your partner's strength, weaknesses, coping strategies, wants, ideologies and principles in life during a … Continue reading A Couple Hike and Travel, Together